Terms of Service for StoreGmail

Thank you for using StoreGmail's services. By accessing or using our website, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions set forth below. Please read these terms carefully before using our services.

I. Introduction

A. Purpose and scope of the Terms of Use: These terms govern the rights and obligations of users and StoreGmail in the use of account trading services on the website.
B. Definition of important terms: "Accounts" refer to email accounts or social media accounts provided by StoreGmail. "Buyers" are users who utilize StoreGmail's services to purchase accounts.

II. Legality and origin of accounts

A. StoreGmail commits to only providing accounts that are created legally and do not violate the terms of the relevant platforms.
B. We do not use any automated or illegal methods to create accounts.
C. StoreGmail always complies with the terms and policies of the relevant social media platforms regarding account trading.

III. Limitations on account usage

A. Account buyers must not use the accounts for illegal activities, spamming, fraud, harassment, or infringement of others' privacy.
B. Buyers must adhere to the platform's limitations and regulations on the number of messages, posts, or interactions within a specific time period.
C. StoreGmail is not responsible if the account is locked, deleted, or restricted by the platform due to terms violations.

IV. Responsibilities of account buyers

A. Buyers are responsible for keeping login information confidential and are accountable for all activities taking place on the account after purchase.
B. It is strictly prohibited to transfer, resell, or share the account with third parties without StoreGmail's permission.
C. Buyers accept the risk that the account may lose access or have its password changed by the original owner.
D. Buyers must comply with StoreGmail's terms of use and applicable laws when using the account.

V. Rights and responsibilities of the website

A. StoreGmail has the right to modify, suspend, or terminate the service at any time with or without prior notice.
B. StoreGmail has the right to refuse to provide services to buyers who violate the terms of use.
C. StoreGmail is committed to protecting the personal information of buyers in accordance with the website's privacy policy.
D. StoreGmail has the right to reclaim the account if it is discovered that the buyer has violated the terms of use of the website or related platforms.

VI. Ownership and transfer of accounts

A. After completing the transaction, the buyer becomes the legal owner of the account and has full rights to use it.
B. StoreGmail will transfer account ownership to the buyer in accordance with the terms and agreements clearly stated before the transaction.

VII. Warranty and refund policy

A. StoreGmail provides a 7-day warranty for accounts from the date of purchase.
B. Cases not covered by the warranty include: accounts locked due to platform terms violations, buyers changing login information, or using the account for prohibited activities.
C. Refund requests are only processed during the warranty period and after StoreGmail verifies the validity of the request.

VIII. Disclaimer and limitation of liability

A. StoreGmail does not guarantee the safety or privacy of the content within the account and is not responsible for any loss or damage related to the use of the account.
B. StoreGmail is not responsible for any illegal acts or infringements on the rights of third parties by the buyer when using the account.
C. StoreGmail is not responsible for any damages arising from service interruptions or data loss.

IX. Indemnification

A. The buyer must indemnify StoreGmail and related parties if a violation of the terms of use causes damage.
B. StoreGmail has the right to demand compensation from the buyer if their violation of the terms causes damage to the website.

X. Applicable law and dispute resolution

A. These terms are governed and interpreted according to the laws of Vietnam.
B. Any disputes arising in relation to the purchase or use of accounts will be resolved first through negotiation and mediation. If no agreement is reached, the dispute will be brought to a competent court in Vietnam.

XI. Changes to the Terms of Use

A. StoreGmail has the right to change, update, or modify these terms of use at any time.
B. Continued use of the service after changes are made signifies the buyer's acceptance of the new terms.

By using StoreGmail's services, you agree that you have read, understood, and accepted to be bound by these terms and conditions. If you do not agree with any part of these terms, please stop using our services.